Air Horns and Misting

When workers are breathing air that has passed through the air movers, AftercoolerSales.Com has products to improve their environmental atmosphere conditions. Filters can be used to remove contaminants, such as oil, coming from the compressed air source. The amount of oil may exceed 5 ppm. By using one of the high efficiency filter systems below, it ensures an air quality index of 0.15 ppm.
La-Man coalescent clean air filter systems are recommended: These selections include the particulate and coalescing filters and are matched to the compressor output and consumption rates of all equipment including the air movers.
AS A CAUTIONARY NOTE: where any volatile or poisonous fumes are present, strict precautions are required which involve the use of any air mover in gas freeing, tank entry, tank cleaning, purging, and the prevention of tank collapse. Consult American Petroleum Institute (API) Publications and job site safety directors prior to performing any of these or other related activities.
Refineries and Chemical
Turnarounds or shutdowns are performed periodically to refurbish and overhaul units of both chemical plants and refineries. Fumes must be removed that are sometimes poisonous, explosive or noxious from process towers, tanks, large pipes, etc. before workers are allowed entry into these areas.
Temperatures of heavy equipment in danger of overheating or in need of cooling prior to maintenance can be lowered quickly with the high volumes of air produced by air movers. In extremely hot work areas, air movers are used to supply air (similar to fans) to cool the environment or individual workers.
Utilities & Cogeneration Units
Heavy-duty turbines, both steam and gas, induced draft fans and hot furnaces that may require emergency repairs can be cooled quickly with the use of air movers. To quickly cool this type machinery, an air mover is positioned both on the supply side and exhaust side of the unit.
Metal Fabrication of Tanks, Towers & Vessels
Welding in confined spaces such as these creates welding gases, smoke and fumes that must be removed for a safe, healthy working environment.
Paper & Pulp Plants
Digester rooms produce toxic gasses which must be removed prior to maintenance. Hot boilers with induced draft fans can be rapidly cooled prior to repair and maintenance.
Ship building requires extensive amounts of welding. As components are assembled, numerous confined spaces develop where smoke and welding fumes accumulate. Air movers and ducting are used to ventilate the confined spaces where workers are present.
Marine Industry
Tankers and fuel supply vessels must exhaust volatile fumes after emptying the cargo holds. Air movers can quickly and safely exhaust fumes from these areas. In the unfortunate event of a fire below deck, smoke can be purged from the affected areas with air movers and ducting.
Steel Industry  
Air movers are used to quickly and efficiently cool hot iron ladles and heavy equipment prior to repair and maintenance.
Manhole Operations
Methane and other heavy gases are commonly found in underground spaces. Prior to entering a manhole, the area must be ventilated to remove possible accumulation of gases. Air movers and ducting are used to supply or exhaust air from these spaces.
Underground Mines
As in manhole operations, gases can accumulate underground. The use of electricity for ventilation has the potential to cause an explosion. A compressed air powered air mover is intrinsically safe for this environment. The optional nickel plated bases are MSHA (Mining Safety & Health Administration) acceptable to encapsulate the aluminum housings for abrasion resistance to prevent aluminum smears. The nickel plated base with a polymer horn optimizes safety for all underground mining operations.